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the crime "code bug" - Printable Version

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- Canosoup - 2009.Feb.18 02:26 PM

Nope. Never. Smile

Re: the crime "code bug" - Conrad1103 - 2009.Feb.18 02:35 PM

16tons Wrote:
Conrad1103 Wrote:Im pretty sure this has been the regular complaint. i dont really care....keep the bug there..who gives a drek. im just asking for confirmation that this is the thing we all complain about, but Zen says it's just our imagination.

most likely just imagination. i cant see how the xp and the crime success code would be intertwined unless someone willfully made it so, and i think zen has better things to do with her time than to create mysterious coincidences for us to discuss Razz probably sticks in peoples´ minds more when they are about to level.

what the hell are you and Canoidiot talking about? im my mind? coincidence? i just gave you freaking NUMBERS...% change in crime rate. what is it you dont understand about that? that is proof...not imagination.

----sorry for the letting my "real work" frustaration(s) out through AL....and it feels good. Smile

- Leopard - 2009.Feb.18 02:54 PM

there's definitely some validity to your numbers and complaint but it has been denied for as long as I can remember

- mblume - 2009.Feb.18 03:17 PM

you've been denied for as long as I can remember

- buuddha - 2009.Feb.18 04:16 PM

although this is from another game based on Risk, where thousands of dice rolls happen every hour, i think it fits this random vs bug situation well.

"Q: Something still doesn't feel right. Why do I keep seeing patterns in the rolls?
A: The answer to this question has more to do with psychology than math. Humans have certain innate characteristics that make it extremely difficult for us to deal with randomness. We hate randomness. We hate it so much that our minds often trick us into seeing patterns where patterns don't exist and into believing that random events aren't random. We see shapes in clouds. We see faces in rock formations. When disaster strikes, we ask "why" and suspect that "something else" must be at work. The simple reality is that some things just can't be predicted. Random chance, combined with a mind always striving to see patterns can create some fascinating illusions.

Still not convinced your mind is playing tricks on you? Do some math to prove it. When rolling five dice, there are 7776 possible outcomes. How many of those would look like some sort error or pattern in the random output? All of the same number would look like a pattern. That's 6 possible outcomes right there. How about triples versus doubles, like 1,1,1,6,6 or 2,2,2,5,5? That's 25 more. How about sequential values, like 1,2,3,4,5 or 5,4,3,2,1? Once we add up all the possible outcomes that could look like something more than just random combinations of numbers, we see that there are actually quite a few. With 500-600 rolls per game, and most people playing several simultaneous games, you should see patterns all the time. "

- Conrad1103 - 2009.Feb.18 04:37 PM

buuddha Wrote:although this is from another game based on Risk, where thousands of dice rolls happen every hour, i think it fits this random vs bug situation well.

"Q: Something still doesn't feel right. Why do I keep seeing patterns in the rolls?
A: The answer to this question has more to do with psychology than math. Humans have certain innate characteristics that make it extremely difficult for us to deal with randomness. We hate randomness. We hate it so much that our minds often trick us into seeing patterns where patterns don't exist and into believing that random events aren't random. We see shapes in clouds. We see faces in rock formations. When disaster strikes, we ask "why" and suspect that "something else" must be at work. The simple reality is that some things just can't be predicted. Random chance, combined with a mind always striving to see patterns can create some fascinating illusions.

Still not convinced your mind is playing tricks on you? Do some math to prove it. When rolling five dice, there are 7776 possible outcomes. How many of those would look like some sort error or pattern in the random output? All of the same number would look like a pattern. That's 6 possible outcomes right there. How about triples versus doubles, like 1,1,1,6,6 or 2,2,2,5,5? That's 25 more. How about sequential values, like 1,2,3,4,5 or 5,4,3,2,1? Once we add up all the possible outcomes that could look like something more than just random combinations of numbers, we see that there are actually quite a few. With 500-600 rolls per game, and most people playing several simultaneous games, you should see patterns all the time. "

are you really going this far out of your way to piss me off? B+ for the effort.

- buuddha - 2009.Feb.18 04:41 PM

ummm no im just trying to tell you that it is human nature to look for patterns that arent really there.

- Conrad1103 - 2009.Feb.18 04:51 PM

buuddha Wrote:ummm no im just trying to tell you that it is human nature to look for patterns that arent really there.

thats it. youre a dead man!

- shadowinc - 2009.Feb.18 04:53 PM

gets the chairs and a couple cases of beer, has a seat and pops the cap

- CrazyFoley - 2009.Feb.18 04:57 PM

buuddha Wrote:ummm no im just trying to tell you that it is human nature to look for patterns that arent really there.
Thanks leg I had never thought about it like that. Although this means I really am seeing things.