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who is the most unstable player in the game - Printable Version

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Pages: 1 2

- shadowinc - 2008.May.15 01:03 PM

lol lol

- McCule - 2008.May.15 03:14 PM

abysmalpoptart Wrote:Loki, you were honestly my close second. but the thing is, youre the #1 player, so not only is it your JOB to be unstable, but you are my idol. therefore, that adds some form of stability. Job stability, if you will.

on top of that, you dont smell as bad. i cant smell you from a distance, therefore i dont smell you. thats a step up.
*steps back for the lipsmacking

- hunter52070 - 2008.May.17 01:24 PM

I gotta say the most unstable is........


He can go along just fine and be all cool, then he gets all hopped up on beer and gets a forum ban now and then. He can talk the best smack in the forums and do a fair job of pwning you in game as well.

"I'm all hopped on on beer Chuck, don't make me go spyder moneky on your arse"! Twisted