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- Chris Mangano - 2007.May.15 02:35 PM

Just want to keep everyone up to date. I realize this will be missing the spelling errors and improper use of punctuation that accompany Nighttrain's posts, but please bear with me.

It looks like the pests are overruning the exterminators. Matt and Nighttrain appear to be no match for them. Don't worry though, the pests have agreed that they will not start annoying threads that no one cares about once the exterminators are gone.

- hawk187 - 2007.May.15 02:43 PM

exterminated the exterminators

- Rafallol - 2007.May.15 02:48 PM

hawk187 Wrote:exterminated the exterminators
OMG who will saves us now? :cry:

- Nightrain - 2007.May.15 02:49 PM

excellent cris , thank you for the update.

To all players we are happy to inform you that THE TRIPS_T bio suit is now having a major uplift.

Our researhers are adding a lightweight metal insulator we hope with this addition it will give you not only the ability to resist the bio-hazards but also those pescky bites that are causing the epedemic in Awakened Lands.

Once the final details are sorted out manufacturing will commence.
Please keep in mind that there will be a limites quantity released until our plants are up and fully running.

Look for them in you local store. We hope to establish a toll free # soon for those that wish pre-order there suits.

next update later on tonight

- Loki - 2007.May.15 02:52 PM

where ewe guise planing on runnig ento pit bulls and rotts on you're extermunation adventyer?

- Nightrain - 2007.May.15 02:59 PM

mtngti Wrote:where ewe guise planing on runnig ento pit bulls and rotts on you're extermunation adventyer?

thats a good try Vor but you have to make it more natural ,

more like this
"wahts use guys plaining to runs into pitsbull or rotts on ur exctermintating adventure"

- Eaglefreak - 2007.May.15 05:52 PM

Nightrain Wrote:To all players we are happy to inform you that THE TRIPS_T bio suit is now having a major uplift.

Our researhers are adding a lightweight metal insulator we hope with this addition it will give you not only the ability to resist the bio-hazards but also those pescky bites that are causing the epedemic in Awakened Lands.

Once the final details are sorted out manufacturing will commence.
Please keep in mind that there will be a limites quantity released until our plants are up and fully running.

Look for them in you local store. We hope to establish a toll free # soon for those that wish pre-order there suits.

next update later on tonight

TripsT's back!? :shock: ::starts rummaging through closet for his TripsT suit::

- Nightrain - 2007.May.15 06:37 PM


Im sorry to inform you that the original Trips-t suit no longer meets the AL safety standards.

You will need to purchase the new and improved suit with the metal mesh insurts to help protect against bites and scratches

- syntheticdarkness - 2007.May.15 07:13 PM

too bad nothing can protect you from the power of the force =)

- mudpies - 2007.May.15 07:16 PM

syntheticdarkness Wrote:too bad nothing can protect you from the power of the force =)

I'm sorry but lol lol lol