(2011.Mar.27 06:08 PM)Brugada Wrote: (2011.Mar.27 06:07 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: you are right about one thing, i am a cunt. 
Sharp eye, this guy, spying out the rapier wit with no tip and a square edge.
I'm having a hard time finding the excitement of X Pats, anymore. It's only a matter of time, as I've told Caine(Guy's crying like the rest of his posse), before all of the little guys are kicked out by the top guys(Or all of them by the president), and those idiots are scrapping along waiting for their return to failure.
We've seen it countless times. They fail, someone throws an ego trip, everyone else takes an ego dive, then the ones taking a dive climb back up on their high by sniffing the unwashed chode of their predecessors...All to fail again and repeat the process.