(2010.Sep.10 09:43 PM)SuperDave Wrote: (2010.Sep.10 07:23 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: (2010.Sep.10 07:15 PM)SuperDave Wrote: Call it a savior complex or whatnot but I've decided to take him under my wing and provide him with the opportunity to redeem himself if needed and develop into a decent,well-rounded player.
invite him into your gang?
Yes actually I invited him to come onboard and join the rest of the throwaway degenerates that others look down upon.A.L.'s Messiah has arrived and I welcome the unwanted.
Yer, and that move's just earned your whole gang a long stay in hospital f#@ktard!!!
@ DW: I want my F#@KEN money back!!!

You brought this on yourself dude! And now that you've gone squealing BS to everyone about all this, it's not gonna end till I do get it back!
@ Brugs: STFU, you really don't have a clue!