(2009.Jul.19 01:21 AM)hardasgranite Wrote: @druchi
I don't care if I was hosped all day. I just think others should be left out of it. So a guy comes to my house and kicks my butt...should I wait till his kids get out of school and beat them up? Probably not...........
There is one major flaw as druchii pointed out, these arent families, they are gangmates. Let me put a more clear example in it's place.
Just for an examples sake, assume these are two gangs fighting each other.
Gang #1 runs their mouth to Gang #2 and Gang #2 kicks someones ass from Gang #1 who then responds by targetting
every member of Gang #2 in retaliation
That would be a more accurate example of the issue here, replacing Gang #'s 1 and 2 with the respective members involved here.
As has been said in other posts, if you cant handle some hospital time, you shouldn't play the game. I've spent time in the hospital when I was in both Valhalla and Dissidence. You hit back where you can, and you wait until the right time to stim if you're going to stim out to hit. You don't just cry about it though, it's part of the game. Hospital wars are a more interesting concept to the game, and the hospitalize button is there for a reason, not to just gather dust.