(2009.Apr.01 12:35 PM)DebbiePinson Wrote: (2009.Apr.01 12:26 PM)Jocasta Wrote: Erm....just hold the phone there a second.
So you start a war with us, for no particular reason, just cos your gang feels like bullying another gang, and when our allies step in to help, you go all smacked arse about it.
1:21 pm BlackClouds hospitalized you.
You even have to draft in your retired gang members.
So now who can't fight there own damn battles!
*edited cos I can't type for drek!
As far as we know, your gang was hosping our members (or member e.g. WARHAMMER) yesterday for whatever reason which is why a war started. Dont act as if you didnt see this coming. Black Clouds may do as he pleases and rarely logs in so its not as if we asked him to help. In fact, I didnt even know he hit anyone.
And please get off your horse if you think we need BC to hosp you 
get your facts straight
warhammer started the drek by mugin online and talkin drek
than teal was nice enough to talk with g2(i think) and they had reached an agreement
hits stoped till this morning when Dingi started hospin people cause he felt like it
and for all who wonder why SV and SG help it's cause they felt like it