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We've got an interest free, hassle free bank in AL. Why not have a bank account with interest and some condition?

My extremely tired thought was that it'll cost a certain amount of money to open it up(Maybe level based, but I'll say $100,000-$250,000, some of it being starter cash) and while money being taken out and put in will be free(Or, more sensibly, a 1%-4% withholdings for the bank for your dirty money), every week's end(Sunday at Midnight), you must have 3% of your total deposited money still in the bank account for continued laundering. After this total is taken out, you get a 8%-11% increase on the left over money in your bank account.

Dunno. Tired, could probably use some work, but it's a thought that I wouldn't mind opinions and ideas on it.
Sounds kinda interesting. Like different type of accounts for different lvl people with different pros and cons or increasingly better conditions? could be cool.
And that's an idea. I was putting the spaces of differences in for one bank account to fit everyone, but increasing/decreasing benefits/hindering factors for money put in/reputation of the person would be an interesting twist to this.
hmm. i think this could be pretty sweet. i know that some accounts in RL have a set amount of time for the money to stay in and if you take it out early they penalize you big time.
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