Lets get back to the topic of this thread in the Awakened Lands Relm. If you want to continue the "US / Canada" debate, start a new one in Off the Wall please and thank you. (Was always taught to say please and thank you)

:shock: First time I have seen you use please and thank you

Canada 15.50% 22% 26% 29% total
salary 37178 37179 46530
50000 37178 12822 8583.43
60000 37178 22822 10783.43
70000 37178 32822 12983.43
80000 37178 37178 5643 15408.93
USA 10% 15% 25% 28% total
salary 7825 24025 45250 83750
50000 7825 24025 18150 8923.75
60000 7825 24025 28150 11423.75
70000 7825 24025 38150 13923.75
80000 7825 24025 45250 2900 16510.75
these are the calculations for 4 salaries in botht the canadian system and the americain system. no deductions or anything, just straight tax bracket rates. if by "the richest of the rich" you mean those making over 50k per year, then I agree.
I see that and its a bit confusing cause nothin lines up, but the first number in a row represents salary and the last represents federal tax owed. feel free to check the numbers.
does saying I agree with the health insurance idea count as the original subject? cause I do.
I agree it has become harder to bust people out, I made a similar topic somewhere where 3 people failed on getting me out, then i got out, went right back in and another 4 people failed in a few minutes.
As for the taxing thingy, 1 would think our #1 world ranking in most taxed people would prevent talks like these.
And that 29% for the federal is nice but it doesn't include the 27% from the provincial (varies from a province to another).
yeah, I realize that I'm talking purely federal.
I'm wondering just how random it is now... or if it's based on stats relative to level. Because I've seen lawson busting people out first time, where 10 people in a row just failed.. I've basically given up trying, because I just fail every time, it's a waste.