2007.Mar.07, 05:35 PM
2007.Mar.08, 01:38 AM
mudpies Wrote:whoa, healthcare. what a great money sink in the game. pay a weekly or monthly fee and you heal faster in the hospital. and like car insurance, your premium goes up the more you land in the hospital. maybe.
Probably the most unique idea ever. That's a great idea.
How do you think something like that would work? Every trip to the doc costs a co-pay and you get minutes deducted? I could see "health coverage" days that if you pay for "entry-level hmo coverage" you'd get x minutes deducted for every hospital visit for as many days as you purchased. Each increase in health coverage would increase this.
Just throwing ideas out there.
2007.Mar.08, 06:26 AM
yeahh i like the idea.. an original in AL only 8)
2007.Mar.08, 08:26 AM
Can I sign up for a PPO option? With an HMO I would need to get a referal from my physician first.
2007.Mar.08, 04:35 PM
zenith Wrote:Just do like Canada, charge us a ton of taxes, waste it somewhere it's useless and give us 10X more waiting time but 15 minutes max inside with the docmudpies Wrote:whoa, healthcare. what a great money sink in the game. pay a weekly or monthly fee and you heal faster in the hospital. and like car insurance, your premium goes up the more you land in the hospital. maybe.
Probably the most unique idea ever. That's a great idea.
How do you think something like that would work? Every trip to the doc costs a co-pay and you get minutes deducted? I could see "health coverage" days that if you pay for "entry-level hmo coverage" you'd get x minutes deducted for every hospital visit for as many days as you purchased. Each increase in health coverage would increase this.
Just throwing ideas out there.

2007.Mar.08, 05:45 PM
Actually Canada has lower personal income tax rates than the U.S does. but I agree about the wait times. generally you get at least 17 minutes with the doctor though.
2007.Mar.08, 06:09 PM
I guess we know who's anti socialized health care.
socialism is bad mmkay
socialism is bad mmkay

2007.Mar.08, 06:43 PM

2007.Mar.08, 07:05 PM
Aye, I'll second that.
2007.Mar.08, 07:20 PM
matt5250 Wrote:Actually Canada has lower personal income tax rates than the U.S does. but I agree about the wait times. generally you get at least 17 minutes with the doctor though.
Oh Really? Is that So? Link Please?
In the US only those (Single or Married; Married couples filing separately is less) who make more then 340K /year (taxable) qualify for a larger federal rate than that of Canada.
Heres a chart adjusted for " the combined effects of personal income tax, employee and employer social security contributions, payroll taxes and cash benefits."
You will notice that on average married US couples pay about HALF as much in taxes than Canadian couples. quick google search:
In fact, The only tax rates which are HIGHER in the US than Canda, are the CORPORATE Income tax rates.
But i think the Info you are actually referring to Is the "misery" Index, where Ontario remains virtually equal to NYC, where Tax Rates are absurdly high. Notice Texas much further down on the list.
Check out the PDFs on that site. You'll see that for just about every income bracket the NET % of money to employee after Income and social taxes is HIGHER in the US than Canada.
OH, and i QUOTE "The lowest levels generally continue to be in the rest of Asia, the Middle East, Russia and the U.S."
Everyone loves to bash the US, but please, do It with facts, not just based on fictitious sentiments, and conjured up absurdity.
Of course we do pay for our doctors and schooling, but at my Doc my Co-pay is only like 10 bucks, and i have never had to wait more than 10-15 minutes.
Now that I have addressed the false claims, (which really bother me, sorry)
I like the healthcare idea for the game.
Edit: a really good article. Took me a little to find it again: Old, yes, but still relavent.