Much like your failure of spelling ruins your whole wit-fest. Can you move on? You haven't won. You'll never win.
Time to pull a SW and retire at the top of my game(In the forums with the wit that slayed a billion). I'll see you guys some other time, when I decide to post.
losing sucks don,t it tommi,
(2009.Dec.10 01:52 PM)jockpaul Wrote: [ -> ]losing sucks don,t it tommi,
Oh the only thing he hasn't lost is weight!
you may beat me in the game and keep me in the hospital but i got you punked in the forums
do i smell defeat lmao
this is some funny shi t tommi got burned again
hey tommi heard zen was coding in some wit stims ill buy you some when they come out
taco boy is in the witless protection program.
2:20 pm TasteThisBeefLog hospitalized you.
wow tommi you can beat a lvl 19 u must feel special
keep em coming fatboy
(2009.Dec.10 02:28 PM)tcaughron36 Wrote: [ -> ]2:20 pm TasteThisBeefLog hospitalized you.
wow tommi you can beat a lvl 19 u must feel special
keep em coming fatboy
He reminds me of that ugly bully from A Christmas Story. Eventually someone handed him his ass.
2:50 pm Fat Tits got caught robbing a dunken donuts
(he left the cash)