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Full Version: Contest Idea!
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Much like your failure of spelling ruins your whole wit-fest. Can you move on? You haven't won. You'll never win.

Time to pull a SW and retire at the top of my game(In the forums with the wit that slayed a billion). I'll see you guys some other time, when I decide to post.
losing sucks don,t it tommi,Cool
(2009.Dec.10 01:52 PM)jockpaul Wrote: [ -> ]losing sucks don,t it tommi,Cool

Oh the only thing he hasn't lost is weight!
you may beat me in the game and keep me in the hospital but i got you punked in the forums Razz
[Image: MV5BMjEwMDg1MjcxOV5BMl5BanBnXkFt-1.jpg]


do i smell defeat lmao

this is some funny shi t tommi got burned again
hey tommi heard zen was coding in some wit stims ill buy you some when they come out
taco boy is in the witless protection program.
wit stims! Epic!


2:20 pm TasteThisBeefLog hospitalized you.

wow tommi you can beat a lvl 19 u must feel special

keep em coming fatboy

(2009.Dec.10 02:28 PM)tcaughron36 Wrote: [ -> ]2:20 pm TasteThisBeefLog hospitalized you.

wow tommi you can beat a lvl 19 u must feel special

keep em coming fatboy


He reminds me of that ugly bully from A Christmas Story. Eventually someone handed him his ass.
2:50 pm Fat Tits got caught robbing a dunken donuts

(he left the cash)
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