Quantum Field Theory? Yes I know it well
(2009.Dec.09 12:45 PM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]I started smacking some, online babies around. Said stop hosp'ing me, and I leave your babies alone. AND got called a whinner? Didn't I say protect your children this year? Hospitolizations do not earn experience. Why wouldn't I save stims, nimbus and such, Kill three babies and wait for the f'ing vacation I was promised by SV?
Bah Humbug eh sis? well im going back to criming and training, ill just save the leftover stims this year *sigh*
1:28 pm 0000001111011111 hospitalized you.
finally break time. Thanks
Think you can manage two weeks though? I'd really really like a real xmas vacation. Wouldn't mind SV wasting your energy points eighter. Thats a bonus. Again three cheers for the most powerful and God like SV. Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!
If you'd like a Christmas vacation..Why're you still here and using your pseudo-sarcasm as a cover-up to your whining?
Your so smart tommi. pseudo-sarcasm such a big word and you know what it means, can I have your baby?
(2009.Dec.09 02:13 PM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]Your so smart tommi. pseudo-sarcasm such a big word and you know what it means, can I have your baby?
If you wanted it to luck like chucky go for it!