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I would have the NPC hit Moriarty......alot!

just sayin!
I like the idea... as long as the bottom price is 100k... let em bleed to get hits that the community has not earned.
I agree..definetly a very high price
(2009.Dec.03 10:53 AM)Weebay Wrote: [ -> ]What if one or multiple NPC's where able to perform hits for us? If there was an NPC that could beat everyone in the game. You could click on him/her and have a tab that says "get quote" put in user ID# and a price would come back to you. If you accepted, money would be automatically deducted from your bank account. If you choose decline, there could be the possibility of the NPC hosping you for wasting their time. Obviously prices could vary a lot.

This is just a thought, being that hitmen seem to be an integral part of the game.

with these candies...anyone can be a hitman for the right price.


Funny Conrad, I was actually thinking of that.


This topic is hEart felt and long drawn out, it represents insecurity and vengence. It says " I am Weebay, as long as our balls don't touch, I just want to be held after a hosp. " " please Zen, I am bowed on bended knee, I would lick your balls for an honest hitman."

Your bong huffing Weebay, and his creepy little Kama sutra loving cat

Great idea! Npc hitman for president.
(2009.Dec.03 01:15 PM)ClosedCasket Wrote: [ -> ]This topic is hEart felt and long drawn out, it represents insecurity and vengence. It says " I am Weebay, as long as our balls don't touch, I just want to be held after a hosp. " " please Zen, I am bowed on bended knee, I would lick your balls for an honest hitman."

Your bong huffing Weebay, and his creepy little Kama sutra loving cat

Great idea! Npc hitman for president.

inhale'd . cough . cough


Well I have never actually contracted a hit before, or ever had a reason to. It's just an integral part of the game that many seem to use.
I like this. I think Howl and RJ will still get the bulk of the paid hits but you can't have SV hit or a few others with them. I think the pricing should be considerably higher than what Howl and RJ charge as well. A lvl 50 should at least cost 50k, but it could help in hosp wars and such.
I just received this from Zen " Weebays Idea sucks"

(Just passing along'd)
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