Which are you?
I find spending money addictive and easily spend 100k+ a day on AL
I am a big time tightwad. I spend money on weapons/armor. That's it. I do send out roses on people's b-days, though. ^_^
i tend to blow lots and lots of money in wars on food and stims hopping to get people
I spend a good chunk. I like roulette too.

i seem to bleed $$ atm ... But i'm trying to be a tightwad
gangs, belts, weapons, armour ... dang it I CAN'T HELP MYSELF!
I bleed cash, i can spend 100k-300k a day on nimbus stims and travel, no problem...easily spent 40-50mil since i started....maybe much, much more
Pay back loans, Buy more stims and Nubus and dead broke all the time.

Most of my extra money goes straight to creds for endurance...which does that count as?
(2009.Nov.22 07:26 PM)zliplus Wrote: [ -> ]Most of my extra money goes straight to creds for endurance...which does that count as?
bleeding def.