(2009.Nov.17 03:33 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]gee, sounds like you guys want it geared toward the already established player...which would make the playing field even more imbalanced. ever think it's set up this way to build some sort of parity?
edit (for biff):
1. equality, as in amount, status, or character.
2. equivalence; correspondence; similarity; analogy.
You have valid point here diference between new and old players is huge , but I only think about small bonus (like small exp and money increse to make it more realistic) Im 19 level in my career and spend 22ap per hour and earn 26 $. If I used that 22ap for crimes I would earn about 1000 $
I generally allways suports changes with could let new players caught older one litle quicker but then we have new schools system with it seems atractive only for new players . (If you dont know why I thik like that read abysmalpoptart posts in local school )
Anather example can be DeMags I borowed unique one ( with give 25 minut bust per charge and cant be destroyed ) recharged it and when I was caughts doing crime my jail time was to big to use it even that demag was full recharged so thats items can be only used efectivlly by low level players to .
I hope so that dont sound like totall whining but I think that I like in this game the most is that we have lots changes and new things intoduced .
So I feel very disapointed when new items and big changes in game seems useless for me.
thats what i proposed as well, something SMALL that would benefit you for being a higher level. NOT more career points, but small amounts of XP or cash that just make a difference. maybe not a huge difference, but something to benefit you a bit more for the AP that you're spending. for me, 16 AP and 25 AP is pretty significant, that could be thousands of bucks, and i'm getting the same XP and cash as a level 1 would. that seems odd to me

also think about it this way, if you add all my career hours total together and gave them all the EXP i'm getting NOW from my high level career, i STILL would have MAYBE gained one level... but not really -.-
(2009.Nov.18 03:55 AM)Rafallol Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Nov.17 03:33 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]gee, sounds like you guys want it geared toward the already established player...which would make the playing field even more imbalanced. ever think it's set up this way to build some sort of parity?
edit (for biff):
1. equality, as in amount, status, or character.
2. equivalence; correspondence; similarity; analogy.
You have valid point here diference between new and old players is huge , but I only think about small bonus (like small exp and money increse to make it more realistic) Im 19 level in my career and spend 22ap per hour and earn 26 $. If I used that 22ap for crimes I would earn about 1000 $
I generally allways suports changes with could let new players caught older one litle quicker but then we have new schools system with it seems atractive only for new players . (If you dont know why I thik like that read abysmalpoptart posts in local school )
Anather example can be DeMags I borowed unique one ( with give 25 minut bust per charge and cant be destroyed ) recharged it and when I was caughts doing crime my jail time was to big to use it even that demag was full recharged so thats items can be only used efectivlly by low level players to .
I hope so that dont sound like totall whining but I think that I like in this game the most is that we have lots changes and new things intoduced .
So I feel very disapointed when new items and big changes in game seems useless for me.
so for the ap all you get is the cash... seems you get 2 more things for that same ap as well...
damn what a cry baby, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Sounds like people crying about rushing to the highest level only to find nothing.
so, so sad
the efficiency of the bonus increases with the overall rank, which would be the "advantage" for the seasoned player. the xp and $ made from careers in general is so small for an established player that if you're working for the xp/$ you are approaching it wrong. you work your career in hopes that one day you can use those bonus' to your advantage when you need them. if you are never gonna use your career bonus', why even be concerned with it?
side note: level 19, raf?? that's insane...do you still have the first dollar you made also?
damn i'm only at level 16