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I hear about this guy from time to time. Latest I heard was he sold a gang that was not his. Is this true?
I can't believe you forgot him from last night!

Sevins Sins.. he sold it 2 JUSTJOHNNY..
seven laws went crazy atm him called ryan a scammmer blah blah blah =[
DSoes this have to do with him selling ANOTHER gang he didn't own?
Ryan is the twat of the moment. One of my kids was so excited to get into sins.

I told him to just sit tight until things are resolved. I hope Ryan gets a good ass raping from the laws!
this isn't the first time ryan does this
and yes dingus you're right to say his name sounds familiar
i believe a while ago X-pats were @$$ rapin him for selling warhammer's gang
edit: i did a few searches but i believe that thread was deleted. if some else wants to give it a try be my guest
(2009.Nov.16 03:13 PM)DustiWoot Wrote: [ -> ]Ryan is the twat of the moment.
wow! i'd really like to meet this guy!
Ryan has helped me alot with AL.His old gang Nemesis was the first gang I joined and the teachings I learned there helped me run Wrangler Space,then when I got back from my inactive spell he got me to join Seven Sins and helped me get some weapons and armor to make a come back.I just can't believe he sold out,but if he has oh well fuck him.Besides his ex-girlfreind was much nicer and helped me just as much.
So he sold a gang that was not his? Or are you jumping to conclusions?
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