2009.Nov.18, 09:13 PM
(2009.Nov.18 08:48 PM)Accipender Wrote: [ -> ](2009.Nov.18 08:09 PM)JUSTJOHNNY Wrote: [ -> ](2009.Nov.18 07:47 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ](2009.Nov.18 07:27 PM)Accipender Wrote: [ -> ](2009.Nov.18 07:13 PM)JUSTJOHNNY Wrote: [ -> ]i have a little tale for the smart players here .. i expect the dumb a$$ players to show themselves
One day the sun and the wind were talking. Each was arguing that they were stronger than the other. They decided to hold a contest to see who was strongest. They looked down to the earth a spied a man with an overcoat and hat on. The wind says "To see who is strongest, lets see who can make that man take off his coat." The sun agrees. The wind goes first. She blew, gently at first, and then got stronger and stronger. She succeeded in blowing his hat off, so the man had to chase it, and the man just pulled his coat tighter around himself. She finally had to give up. The sun was next. he shone down on the man with gentle rays, getting warmer by the minute. The man wiped his brow because he was sweating, and then HE TOOK OFF HIS COAT! The wind grudgingly agreed that the sun was stronger.
cool story bro
What was that supposed to show? That 7 suns is going to kick your arse little man?
this is exactly what i was talking about " the smart vs well ... "
I'm willing to bet that I'm smarter than you