(2009.Nov.08 04:05 PM)bconrad56 Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Nov.08 03:47 PM)biffbaffboff Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Nov.08 03:46 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]lol, sounds good to me. What good fun 
Which hand will you be using? 
You will have to chop it off first!
17348 SP^CE JaySin 47 40 Bit off more than they could chew with SilverSurfer.
Actually suffy!!!

"sigh" (nughuffer shakes his head saddly)
Put your armor back on jaysin, I've seen you woop him before
Yer too right. OR, just say something like "Another day at RandomLands" then nobody will think anything of it, right Biff?
I'm sure Jaysin can answer for himself, he don't need his lackey to answer for him!
bren's right, you are a tool biff. No hard feelings though, tell your mom I said hi. At least she can beat me everytime we get together
(2009.Nov.08 03:13 PM)sufy121s Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Nov.08 03:04 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Nov.08 03:03 PM)sufy121s Wrote: [ -> ]i'm weak sauce but i thin i can handle him 
prove it
when rambo's offline prove u can beat him. its a joke get over it