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To tired to argue, Yawn
there's no argument.


(2009.Nov.08 11:16 AM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]there's no argument.

Too true, there is no drama today anywhere. Cry
(2009.Nov.08 11:42 AM)biffbaffboff Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Nov.08 11:16 AM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]there's no argument.

Too true, there is no drama today anywhere. Cry

You Suck!


Do you always hosp the inactives?

7706 -AjaX- TheFallen 42 212 Brutalized by JaySin.

Actually , yeah you do. I guess its something to do with you havin a little willie. Man with a complex, but too weak for his level to beat an active player up. Winky


Biff, why do you start arguments? You just loose and make yourself look silly. Your excuses end up contradicting yourself, and eventually you make no sense and people refer to you as a tool. It's really uncalled for!
(2009.Nov.08 01:19 PM)badmanbren Wrote: [ -> ]Biff, why do you start arguments? You just loose and make yourself look silly. Your excuses end up contradicting yourself, and eventually you make no sense and people refer to you as a tool. It's really uncalled for!

rinse and repeat


ID Name Level Minutes Reason
7706 -AjaX- TheFallen 42 129 Brutalized by JaySin.

weak sauce


(2009.Nov.08 02:08 PM)sufy121s Wrote: [ -> ]ID Name Level Minutes Reason
7706 -AjaX- TheFallen 42 129 Brutalized by JaySin.

weak sauce

I think you could take Jaysin too. Winky


(2009.Nov.08 03:02 PM)biffbaffboff Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Nov.08 02:08 PM)sufy121s Wrote: [ -> ]ID Name Level Minutes Reason
7706 -AjaX- TheFallen 42 129 Brutalized by JaySin.

weak sauce

I think you could take Jaysin too. Winky

i'm weak sauce but i thin i can handle him Winky
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