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nvm just answered my own question


I passed the test at 82%
2nd times the charm Wink

You sit down to the test and seem to remember everything from your studies. Congratulations, you passed Study Skills - GC499!
(2009.Nov.04 07:22 AM)snorkelbill Wrote: [ -> ]This is still the trunk.

The first class was designed to get everyone to the next level of INT, if they'd just taken classes and not put any credits into it. I'm sure there's a reason for the 155 on this one too. It will certainly take anyone to the next level of END if they've never put credits into it, but it's 20 more than necessary, so who knows?

This is exactly what the first few were designed for. Basically to bring everyone who has never put anything into their work stats to a certain level. From there it will branch out.
great and i failed my test twice on the first day. ANOTHER WEEK!!! already a week behind the pack, great start Smile
(2009.Nov.04 12:02 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]great and i failed my test twice on the first day. ANOTHER WEEK!!! already a week behind the pack, great start Smile

i failed too poptart... lets go drink ourselves into oblivion Cry
i can see this new schooling really screwing up my career. second day in a row i have almost forgot to work it.
(2009.Nov.04 12:02 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]great and i failed my test twice on the first day. ANOTHER WEEK!!! already a week behind the pack, great start Smile

Failed twice also. Zen just hates us I guess. Wink
(2009.Nov.04 02:38 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Nov.04 12:02 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]great and i failed my test twice on the first day. ANOTHER WEEK!!! already a week behind the pack, great start

Failed twice also. Zen just hates us I guess. Wink

Guess you guys didn't inherit the favoritism when you beat SW lol
You cant beat a gang that retired with the belt. Ninja
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