True. Refresh rates are lower aswell I guess.
took the test with 76% and failed

We're tuesday. How did you do that.
had 76% after doing my 8hrs, at 75% it gave me the test option. at 76 i clicked it and it charged me 5k to fail

(2009.Nov.03 12:28 PM)nathanket Wrote: [ -> ]had 76% after doing my 8hrs, at 75% it gave me the test option. at 76 i clicked it and it charged me 5k to fail 
It is a bug.
Zen had specified test could only be done on wednesday's, so you's have to check with her how you were able to do it, and if the fail results comes from doign the test on a wrong day.
Plus, since we had to pay 10k up front to take the class, wtf do we have to pay again to test it? Hmh...
Yep, it was a bug, tests are only supposed to be on Wednesdays. Guess you get another try tomorrow

Err. Would you travel downtown so I can show you a flaw in the game. Mail me when you arrive
(2009.Nov.03 12:59 PM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Err. Would you travel downtown so I can show you a flaw in the game. Mail me when you arrive
He's not drunk yet Dingus. It won't work.
Quote:09.November.3 -- Fixed a bug that allowed testing at the graduate school on Tuesdays. Test days are only supposed to be on Wednesdays.
So do i get my 5% and 5k back?

(2009.Nov.03 01:44 PM)nathanket Wrote: [ -> ]So do i get my 5% and 5k back? 
you aren't just happy enough that you found a flaw? you gota go above and beyond?