(2009.Nov.04 01:18 PM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]MILF'd
i believe they are called "cougars" nowadays.
Either one works, but cougar reminds me of a b itch that will eat a man alive! That scares me.

I want to give work outs and maybe make you cry, but I don't want to eat you! Meeeow!
Haha....I was sleeping with this woman who called it working out. It was our code for a bang session. I would say I want to go to the gym
haha! I used to say that, too. The code now is pigs in a blanket. I made a joke about it one night when we were blazed. I wish I could remember it, cause it was good!

WE are now "throwing horse shoes...lol"
The term cougars can only be used for hot ladies over fifty.

Well that's good news. lol