(2009.Oct.30 01:33 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Oct.30 12:17 PM)biffbaffboff Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah I hate random results, or flawed games. Lets hope this one is all about skill or something, oh and plx post what it is before I go to bed Zen 
If it was based on skill, Dingus would try once and win while everyone else would try all day and not even get close.
Details, please?

Trick or treating. Knock on the door and something happens. Whoever has the most candies at the end o the day gets an item. Those who have the most of a single candy type get a tag.
Awesome. Pre-made item, or custom of the person's choosing?
(2009.Oct.30 01:45 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome. Pre-made item, or custom of the person's choosing?
The player can help design, but it needs to be a Halloween-themed item.
so when you say "candy"......... this isn't like the name candy. i have only ever met like 2 candys. don't know if i could get anymore then that.

"Hi, I'm Candy"
"Of course you are..."
I wanna say thanks in advance Zen. I don't know how much I'll be on but I appreciate how you keeping it interesting around here.
(2009.Oct.30 01:54 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Oct.30 01:45 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome. Pre-made item, or custom of the person's choosing?
The player can help design, but it needs to be a Halloween-themed item.
Okay, but what kind of "item" are we talking about here? Like, weapon, armor, shielding, helmet, or a different kind of item?