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(2009.Sep.25 08:57 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]I comprehend better than most, including you obviously. You're skirting around the fact which you can't admit. When you're ready to do that post again.
I admitted everything that is true but let me try one more time very clearly just for you sweety...
15 people were trying to beat the others to a target. 3 hit at the exact same time... We were shocked, and elated. It was easy to see that it was just like when 2 people in SV declared and we were warring the same gang twice...
So yeh it has been an issue for a long time.
So blaming SV for fighting over a mug is dumb....
and we come full circle, is TICK HUNTING a exploit or cheating because the bottom line and guess it needs said again, this happened because 12+ players were TICK HUNTING one player.
This topic is to ask Zen why she knowingly kept secret exploits that would have swayed my purchase decision. This is known as fraud. The buyer beware clause is out the window if the recipient in a transaction knowingly withholds info that may devalue the item in question . Think a chargeback through the card company will raise a few heads....
I dont blame SV for taking advantage, I blame zen for poor management!
I guess the question is, is it an exploit?
If player X & Y use the hospitalize option on Player Z and they hit at the exact same time and each get him. Player X for 200 min and player Y for 180 mins, does player Z get 380 mins total?
If the answer to that is yes, then we should have a multiple attack player feature rather than a lightning in a bottle moment.
If no, using the example of above, then only 1 player should have been able to take money from leg at any given time.
(2009.Sep.25 09:12 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]This topic is to ask Zen why she knowingly kept secret exploits that would have swayed my purchase decision. This is known as fraud. The buyer beware clause is out the window if the recipient in a transaction knowingly withholds info that may devalue the item in question . Think a chargeback through the card company will raise a few heads....
I dont blame SV for taking advantage, I blame zen for poor management!
So now is the point where I ask you to read your own posts since yesterday again... You did blame SV for it being there.
Since we pointed this out to Zen in the past. And freely showed everyone what happened then your statements were wrong and slanderous. Not that slanderous can not be fun...
(2009.Sep.25 09:15 AM)PhisheVA Wrote: [ -> ]I guess the question is, is it an exploit?
If player X & Y use the hospitalize option on Player Z and they hit at the exact same time and each get him. Player X for 200 min and player Y for 180 mins, does player Z get 380 mins total?
If the answer to that is yes, then we should have a multiple attack player feature rather than a lightning in a bottle moment.
If no, using the example of above, then only 1 player should have been able to take money from leg at any given time.
See usefull conversation! We can all help work out what needs to happen, and Zen can do what she can to fix, or tells Us She can not find a way...
(2009.Sep.25 08:39 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]No its funny watching you justify cheating
(2009.Sep.25 09:12 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]I dont blame SV for taking advantage, I blame zen for poor management!
looks like you blame SV to me
(2009.Sep.25 08:09 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]SV exploiting things for years now
and I qoute your opening statement dingus

This is a game of criminals, but scamming other players by using game mechanics to your advantage is not tolerated.
This would be Rule number ten.
(2009.Sep.25 09:21 AM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]This is a game of criminals, but scamming other players by using game mechanics to your advantage is not tolerated.
This would be Rule number ten.
Please read all of the posts... you missed a few things TY

I blamed SV for taking advantage of it, which they did and have done.
FYI, Slander is an untrue statement, these are facts
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