i know that if you quit your previous career and you work a new career.. you lose POI points from your previous career, but will i still lose POI points for example.. my previous career is rank 8 martial arts and my new career is rank 4 manufacturing? will i still lose POI points even if i already have career points reserve and didn't work manufacturing but only to recharge my belt? or would it be nice not to lose points at all, only if you get fired or miss work..

(2009.Sep.18 11:26 PM)Anxiety Wrote: [ -> ]i know that if you quit your previous career and you work a new career.. you lose POI points from your previous career, but will i still lose POI points for example.. my previous career is rank 8 martial arts and my new career is rank 4 manufacturing? will i still lose POI points even if i already have career points reserve and didn't work manufacturing but only to recharge my belt? or would it be nice not to lose points at all, only if you get fired or miss work..
WRONG! You only loose points if you dont log in for 2 or 3 days. Thats it.
i already lose points..:rolleye: i just change my career just now, before i change careers, my martial arts POI was 28.90 and now its 28.57..
Well on the POI it may simply mean you are not "keeping up on it", by switching careers. Someone else prolly passed you up.
hmm, you may be right on "keeping up on it".. but as for someone passed me up, i think there points is far behind and i was couting how many points they get per day and my points is little above them.. thanks..^^
so, my question still unanswered.. will i still lose points, if i quit martial arts then apply for manufacturing only to rechage my belt, then apply again for martial arts..? has anyone tried that and lose points?^^
No. If you quit. And dont get fired. You will not loose any points from a job. You can come back at anytime and the points will still be there.
but what about when you use the career skill recharge belt? will you lose martial arts POI points? because we know you lose POI points if i work my manufacturing career..^^
efficiency isnt just based on points. its based on what level you are, how many points you've earned, how you've spent your points, how many times you've quit your job, and have you been fired or not.
you dont lose career points from quitting, you lose efficiency (POI ranking). thats it. you also dont lose efficiency from spending points, you just gain less efficiency than you would if you used the points on a promotion
and by what level you are, i mean the level of your career, not character level
hmmm, i didn't mention any lose of career points...>_< but my current career rank of martial arts is 10.. i get about 0.6-0.7 of POI points depending how much i get career points per day, i get 1.0 every time i rank up my career.. i know that if i quit my career, and come back again, i dont lose any POI points.. so back to my question.. will you lose points if you quit your martial arts career then apply for manufacturing to use the career skill recharge belt? then apply again to martial arts career? will you lose martial arts POI points? because we know you lose POI points if i work hours manufacturing career..^^
It's actually a valid question. I switch between engineering and manufacturing for the same reason. I'll try it at midnight and I'll be able to tell you if you lose points or not.
Never been much interested in efficiency rating. Isn't that some bizarre variable that's never been actively used in coding?