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Full Version: I was just thinking
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Well the idea really has little effect for me, I just thought about it.Borgs need a break, going offline @ 15mins then attacked and you get hosp refresh's is annoying.Would be a mini compromise.Borgs have the choice to crime big or get some much needed happiness, although there is still the chance you get jailed even on a 1 ap crime XD.

Makes sense too.Do a crime, feel better about it, get 1 extra happiness for it.No big deal.
(2009.Sep.13 03:11 PM)biffbaffboff Wrote: [ -> ]Well the idea really has little effect for me, I just thought about it.Borgs need a break, going offline @ 15mins then attacked and you get hosp refresh's is annoying.Would be a mini compromise.Borgs have the choice to crime big or get some much needed happiness, although there is still the chance you get jailed even on a 1 ap crime XD.

Makes sense too.Do a crime, feel better about it, get 1 extra happiness for it.No big deal.

why do borgs need a break? they make the decision to borg up and are aware of the drawbacks.
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