(2009.Sep.10 08:46 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]dont batch or gritch at zen for being a loser.......just take it like a man batch donnie
and ffs learn how to spell batch
i cant believe you just called zen a loser.
One of the best bonus days ever Zen, THANK YOU!
I got to work a extra hour due to a crime that was pretty cool. but besides that I didn't get anything. O well i did get some gym bonuses as well but besides that I didn't get anything. Mainly I didn't get what i wanted.
Yea that's what you sound like to. Be glad you got anything.
(2009.Sep.10 08:27 PM)chance Wrote: [ -> ]Thor is really good at math
Post of the year!
(2009.Sep.10 09:43 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]One of the best bonus days ever Zen, THANK YOU!
+1 thanx Zen

Just smoke a phat one,,,no gay pun intended
I got nothing at all.

I say we invite Tommi to join SW.
He would fit in with you lot at SW !.