(2009.Sep.10 09:56 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Sep.10 09:08 AM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]thats not how the bonus was supposed to be set up, according to the "rules".
There were no rules. Just statistics pointing to 'The harder, the better.' I didn't get anything either, but I was out all day.
ok genius. then how about..."as per Zen's guidance.....". and there was no guidance saying .."the harder the better". how bout you shut your fat face since you werent involved.
Heh, IMO there should have been certain restrictions on this contest, like you dont get shit if you're a level 40 doing a 1Ap crime. I agree that it's BS that they did those crimes and got things like humanity.
Personally I got squat compared to others and with 130 successful crimes yesterday, I got a couple cash bonuses, that was it.
Was a great idea, grats to those that won something, sucks for those of us that didnt get shit.
In the future, I think more thought needs to be put into the coding in order to actually make it more challenging for those competing. Code it in that if you're X level you cannot do crimes that have less than X amount of AP. I mean really, as always people find a way to get around what should be the set for the contest. A level 33 who does 34 crimes (2point con) and gets humanity shouldnt get anything more than say .02 humanity. Sorry thats just the way I feel.
The contests lately have sucked or have been repetative contests that use the same code as previous ones. Something DIFFERENT is fine, but not when it's not completely thought through.....
Just my 2 cents, if anyone wants to argue with my opinion, either do it civally, or dont do it at all. Tired of Drama over my opinions.
I did also think that it read doing harder crimes brought a better chance of reward. I got a few bonuses, and didn't have a problem with it at all. I was doing the 31ap crime most of the day though.
I just went back to reread the thread 9/9/09.. anyway.. look again at this.. i know a lot of high levels that were doing 1,2 &3 ap crimes and getting alot of bonus'..
sterday, 05:19 AM
RE: 09 09 09
Post: #35
Userid: 2
Level: 18
AL Admins
Perhaps poor wording on my part... it basically means try to perform the hardest crime you can succeed at regularly, and you will have your highest chance at getting the bonuses. It was done this way so everyone has the same chances to succeed. Trying to just do 1 AP crimes when you are level 50 isn't really going to help.
Hmm dont think it worked out as planned... But just saying.. =-)
Aw cry some more connie.....stomp your feet too that will get you somewhere.....
me too i was trying the harder crimes. got a bunch of good money and jailtime....the only 999 bonus i saw yesterday was for 60$ i think....that pissed me off....U CAN KEEP UR FUCKING 60$ 999!!!!!!
Thank you Zen for the special day. It wasn't necessary but greatly appreciated. I got a whopping $23 dollars off a 23ap crime that I had never tried before and an extra hour of work for a sports car.
Having Arnold was the highlight of the day for me. The down side was hearing of people getting rich bonuses off 1-3 ap crimes when that clearly wasn't the intent of your idea Zen. I wouldn't mind the contest in the future but I agree it needs to be tweaked. Sucks if I try crimes 21+ ap and get sqaut while others are raking in humanity and credits off lower lvl crimes.
(2009.Sep.10 10:21 AM)nathanket Wrote: [ -> ]Once i saw level 50+ SV's in jail for conning a cop i clued in and did alright 
This is what did for me to...Thanks for the paying attention Street.