Is it me or does it seem like almost every thread lately is getting hijacked on off topic stuff & then locked down or deleted?
Why not have a forum where you can say whatever you want to say without so much moderation. LET THE PEOPLE SPEAK.
Forums are meant for people to express themselves regardless if their opinions aren't felt by others.
I dont mind letting people speak, but why should I as a reader have to skim through 10 posts that have nothing to do with the original post to get to one that does. It shows a lack of repect to the poster and the community to post some stupid nonsense when it isnt needed. It shows a lack of maturity to breakdown and bring your private problems in game to the public forums and start personally attacking other players opinions or actions, That is why we have a mail system. and if they block you then count to ten, walk away from the computer for a bit until you have calmed down and then get back to playing a game.
We have a forum where you can post all the non-sense you want: Off The Wall.
i agree with you grover.jsut take some time out for a minute and calm down
I think we probably let more things go than we should. Many community forums are a lot more strict, and punish you for minor indiscretions. I don't mind if people argue and speak their mind on here.
When a topic has 5 related responses and 2 pages of nonsense then it deserves to be removed. I don't enjoy removing good topics because some people want to hijack them, but it happens.
The forums are for community content, not personal squabbles.
The forums are entirely TOO lenient!!
Perhaps it is time for Mods to have the ability to Crack ther perverbial whip and I hate to say that we should have to post some forum rules but obviously that is needed as well.
a discipline system could be put in place:
1st time a warning
2nd time Loss of posting priveledges for a week
3rd longer ban from the forums
4th time permanant ban.
Of course we could instate this same system for game rules as well.
What about a citizen forum police force? If someone makes a off topic post, the militia will hospitalize them till they learn their lesson. :
Canosoup Wrote:What about a citizen forum police force? If someone makes a off topic post, the militia will hospitalize them till they learn their lesson. :
Then I'll get unlimited complaints from players telling me rule #9.
well the issue now with the rules is that it is up to interpretation.
the problem with rule 9 is that it is really up to interpretation as it isnt very specific. problems arise when a player that thinks that 6 attacks in a 12 hour period is excessive tries to approach a player that thinks you shouldnt complain until you have been attacked 20 times or more. the person complaining gets a "quit being such a whiner" response and tempers flare.
so if we just set some basic guidelines then Rule #9 cannot be misused or misinterpreted.
But I think a temporary banning from forum priveledges would be a better solution.
Its a pity the whole topic has to be destroyed

I gather ther isnt a way that u could remove the rude comments and temp ban the person/s at fault?