we may have mostly adults but it has already been proven that some of these adults can act like children. And since that is the case some sort structured deterrent is needed.
If a mod says get back on topic and people still post for no better reason than to see their words on a forum then they should be reprimanded in some fashion.
I would also like to see the same structure applied to game rules. Maybe it is time to get some help For Zen in dealing with the issues that arise in the game. perhaps the Forums Mods can be Game mods as well. You take your problems to the mods they come up with a solution or punishment, they then present Zen with the issue and their solution, and Zen has the final word.
This would help take some of the stress of dealing with game/forum issues and allow Zen to concentrate on the programming aspect of the game.
Yep, I agree totally with Grover.
Definitely good there. Since you are level headed and look at all aspects of all issues I think you should be a Mod also when/if Zen needs more. If we have Mods in the game also she may just need a few more. I think you would make a good one.

The only moderators imo for in game should be non-playing people. Forum moderators that play the game is one thing but the potential power for game moderators is too much I believe.
True... there could be many biased decisions.
Yes, but then again, how about we have two seperate mod's? Forum mod's and In-Game Mod's? I mean, forum moderator's are good, but the in-game mod's are the one's who understand the game a bit more? I don't know, just thought it'd be good.
Why would we have in game mods? If some1 breaks the rules, Zen sends them to fed jail and if she doesn't, why would we have others do something about it?
I would love to see the result of a player hospitalizing another then getting a mail from such said mod telling him he shouldn't have, here's a warning.
Makes no sense IMO.
we would have in game mods to help relieve some of the stress on Zen, It would allow her to concentrate on coding for the game instead of answering 700 complaint mails everyday.
The Mods would NOT have the final say in any punishment. That would be reserved for ZEN. Instead the Mods would gather the information on the complaints for her and give her a recommendation.
Zen could then approach those involved in the more serious issues and get more information should she deem it necessary.
Mods would not be allowed to get involved in any issues that pertained to their own gang if they were indeed an active player. If they recieved a complaint they would then passoff the complaint to another mod. the Mods for the forums have been more than fair in the approach to their job on the forums and I have no doubts that their integrity would carry over into a role like this.
grover, you changed the subject. i believe we were discussing tomorrow's football match pitting the stingy defense of the steelers, led by james farrior and troy polamalu... up against two of the NFL's best receivers (Boldin & Fitzgerald) and a multiple all-time record holder QB (Warner)..
I'm predicting Willie Parker will finally get a couple TDs in a Steeler victory (look for Holmes to have a big game as well!)..
McFadden or Townsend will get an INT against Leinart.
thawdgharp Wrote:grover, you changed the subject. i believe we were discussing tomorrow's football match pitting the stingy defense of the steelers, led by james farrior and troy polamalu... up against two of the NFL's best receivers (Boldin & Fitzgerald) and a multiple all-time record holder QB (Warner)..
I'm predicting Willie Parker will finally get a couple TDs in a Steeler victory (look for Holmes to have a big game as well!)..
McFadden or Townsend will get an INT against Leinart.