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::::::Runs to bust tommi but stops for a nap and a latte::::::::
(2009.Sep.09 11:06 AM)Weebay Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you all, but it's a blessing in disguise and I knew it was happening just didn't know when? Not being laid off either, dealership is closing.
On the upside I did get an additional 41 credits from a crime, I guess everything helps right now! lol.
sounds like a wash to me!
nah, sorry to hear the news.
yeah sorry man....

Hey Weebs. I can fire the mexican that does my lawn, interested?
Criminal Action
1. You walk down a mall parking lot looking for an easy car to get in.
2. You find a small car that has the door unlocked.
3. After a couple of seconds fiddling with the electrical equipment under the steering wheel, you get it started up!
Result: You get the car to a contact in the shady part of town. The car isn't in pristine shape, but who cares. The guy just wants cars. He pays you $277 to take the car off your hands.
What the heck? You have been given a 0.09 humanity bonus for this crime because it is 9/9/9!
What the heck? You have been given an additional 11 action points for this crime because it is 9/9/9
and another yet! thats 3! nothing really great but they all help out!
i've got 4

in 2nd place

nice!!! more than my max ap! lol
(2009.Sep.09 11:43 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Weebs. I can fire the mexican that does my lawn, interested?
Sound like a sweet deal! I mow a mean lawn! While I'm not in a position that I don't have to work, I am somewhat financially secure. I am foreseeing a lot of coffee and soap network in my future! lol.
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