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(2009.Aug.27 08:16 PM)superdude Wrote: [ -> ]If anyone looks in the hosp often, as I do, you would have seen him a lot. Ill give you all one hint what gang/gang members who kept on him.

who....and why?


(2009.Aug.27 08:37 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]who....and why?

Heck I dont even remember what gang he was in Neutral
wah...fn wheres my tiny violin


(2009.Aug.27 08:42 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]wah...fn wheres my tiny violin

You sent a Wood Violin to Punisher's storage.

You left it in the Industrial district!!!!! I found it Biggrin
works for both threads................
were these online hits? im powerleveling and hitting the same people (offline) over and over (and over). none have complained.


I've logged in to see I think at most 35 events, a couple were not attacks but still, I dont complain. I've asked for stims if I log in and am in the hospital, but that goes to the last person that attacked me, just as I'll send stims to anyone who I attack if they logon and are in the hospital. It's part of the game, no sense in getting pissy about it.
(2009.Aug.27 08:15 PM)JaySin Wrote: [ -> ]actually. it is possible to be attacked about 40 times a day. if he signs in to train or crime then goes offline to be hit each time.

15 xp per loss

15 x 40 = 600 x 7 = 4200xp lost a week.

but he said he was hit 15 times a day....not 40.
then he is obviously wrong. and your are right.
(2009.Aug.27 08:57 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]but he said he was hit 15 times a day....not 40.

Ever heard the story about the little boy and the wolf?

Close thread, waste of everyone's time.

The only thing that lost 4k xp was his ego.
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