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I would love to give this weapon a shot. Anyone has it for me to try out?
(2009.Jul.29 07:00 PM)ZeonOne Wrote: [ -> ]I would love to give this weapon a shot. Anyone has it for me to try out?

Share with us the results, oh please. My guess is it would work sweet with very high dexterity.
If I find one, I will. These thing are hard to come by.
(2009.Jul.29 06:55 PM)shadowinc Wrote: [ -> ]my advice is take the stats you require for it a couple past what you need,personally i do not know much about that weapon, but with the longblade the more i go past the required stats the better the results, good luck

what i am asking, is even with bare minimum stats a 750k weapon should perform better than a 120k weapon with no stat requirements right?
My friend, the key word here is "Potential".

A 750k weapon has a much better potential than a 120k weapon. No doubt about it.

However, will the 750k weapon out perform the 120k weapon? It got a lot of variable there. Skill, Overall stats, and specific build will play a role in this performance that you are speaking of.

With a low stats, you have a chance of not notice the difference between the weapon. Due to the fact that the 750k weapon might require a higher stats to unlock its potential.
Result for the level 50 weapon Ares Battle Cetus. With 0 skill, it is not that bad.

Opponent Type Result Rounds Hits Inflicted Taken Resisted Best Hit
Player A leave win 27 13 1,900 42 108 434
Player B leave win 27 12 1,872 14 250 389
Player C leave win 35 15 2,456 730 213 622
Player D leave win 23 7 1,774 2 39 713
Player E leave win 23 11 1,689 1 2 398
looks like it sux to me. think how bad it would be for a level 20-30.
(2009.Aug.05 04:58 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]looks like it sux to me. think how bad it would be for a level 20-30.



(2009.Aug.05 04:58 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]looks like it sux to me. think how bad it would be for a level 20-30.

Well it looked like the weapon almost never missed or has a faster attack rate then other weapons... considering the number of rounds and the # of hits unless zeon was hitting someone that had a crapton less dex than him.
People are always too concerned with top crits. Just because it doesn't have a high top end crit doesn't mean it can't be good /shrug.

I didn't think the shogunate was near good enough to justify the price since it seemed to hit for 50-150 95% of the time with random huge crits once a fight or so but people absolutely love it because the top crit is so high for the stats needed etc.
1.) LonglivetheW00k takes their best shot and misses.
2.) You hit for 805 points of damage. LonglivetheW00k resists 2 for a total of 803 damage.
3.) You hit for 274 points of damage. LonglivetheW00k resists 2 for a total of 272 damage.
4.) LonglivetheW00k takes their best shot and misses.
5.) You hit for 224 points of damage. LonglivetheW00k resists 2 for a total of 222 damage.
6.) LonglivetheW00k takes their best shot and misses.
7.) You hit for 537 points of damage. LonglivetheW00k resists 2 for a total of 535 damage.
You honorably defeat LonglivetheW00k in combat. You walk away and let your defeated opponent sulk in their own misery.

Experience Earned : 281
Hospitalization Time : 17

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