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Full Version: Ares Battle Cestus stat question
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I understand that the recommendation as far as stat requirements with weapons is to go few levels above what is required to equip to get the full use. Would I be right in assuming i should just equip it asap as even if i was not able to 100% effectively use it, as it would/should still be leaps and bounds above the current kama i am using?

here are links to both

Truth is man, with all the randomness at hands, who knows.

Best thing is for you to test it out and let us know, especially since that weapon is so un-used by the community.
I plan on switching to axes or shotties or LBM later, but the stat requirements are so easy that it is worth the initial investment to me. Thanks. Will post as soon as I equip.
Think about it twice, as selling that weapon may be hard later on.
son, stay as far away from that weapon as you can. thats all you need to know.
(2009.Jul.29 04:47 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]son, stay as far away from that weapon as you can. thats all you need to know.

already tried it.. and Conrad gave you the best advice.... but... who knows?!


(2009.Jul.29 04:30 PM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]or LBM later,
oh no! not the Laser Beam Mammals again!!
Last time I got hit with a laser beam mammel, I woke up in the hosp with the intials SG carved in my ass.
(2009.Jul.29 06:06 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]Last time I got hit with a laser beam mammel, I woke up in the hosp with the intials SG carved in my arse.

I tought he was a ninja, not a sexy nurse.


my advice is take the stats you require for it a couple past what you need,personally i do not know much about that weapon, but with the longblade the more i go past the required stats the better the results, good luck
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