Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve
(2009.Jul.21 05:43 AM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jul.21 05:22 AM)ShadowKid Wrote: [ -> ]What sis you can't be serious Racism and being gay are no where near each other.
Gays bring the hate on themselves etc (most). Idon't care about gays at all but what i do not agree with is that they are allowed to have children that in my eyes is wrong.
Now racism i hate that with a Capital R. if your racist in 2009 then jesus you need some help.
Big Hug SK, but yeah thats my opinion. Hate is hate. It's wrong on any level. Doesn't the bible say something about that too? Would you rather have a gay couple raise an adopted child, or the crazy mofo's that are on the news now? My local news last night. Straight couple starved three adopted kids. All weighed less than 40 pounds. Tied to their beds to keep from eating.
(Gays bring the hate on themselves etc (most).) Thats exactly what racist say about other races.
True but then again Crazy mofo's children probs won't get bullied as much as a gay couple's kid.
LMFAO I'm not ready to go on a gay march or anything.
how the hell did this turn into a racism/gay argument