(2009.Jul.20 09:09 PM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]Just curious it's not one of the ten commandments. Does anyone know where it says in the bible that you can't be gay?
sure it says it a few times about it being a abomination in the eyes of god,
(2009.Jul.20 09:13 PM)shadowinc Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jul.20 09:09 PM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]Just curious it's not one of the ten commandments. Does anyone know where it says in the bible that you can't be gay?
sure it says it a few times about it being a abomination in the eyes of god,
I was looking for a more specific answer. Name one place in the bible please.
Leviticus 18:22 Romans 1:26-27
Not that I know anything about anything... or care to make any gudgments publicly... but simply answering a question.
missed this one... 1 Corinthians 6:9
but this all relies on whether this is the religion and/or book you're speaking of... ones mans god is not anothers.
Thanks RJ.
Gay jokes and insults are right up there with racisim to me. I'm not gay but I have a couple of gay friends, that go to church. Was honestly curious about where it was said.
(2009.Jul.20 09:24 PM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks RJ.
Gay jokes and insults are right up there with racisim to me. I'm not gay but I have a couple of gay friends, that go to church. Was honestly curious about where it was said.
I could see that so it is why I answered the question... I don't think this is the place for such topics, or opinions on religion it is a text based crime game.. but that is just my opinion...
but you asked

(2009.Jul.20 08:56 PM)peteycrack Wrote: [ -> ]isnt it a sin to be gay?
Ask Jaysin.......he seems to be more knowledgeable and smarter since Seven Laws took him in.............

What sis you can't be serious Racism and being gay are no where near each other.
Gays bring the hate on themselves etc (most). Idon't care about gays at all but what i do not agree with is that they are allowed to have children that in my eyes is wrong.
Now racism i hate that with a Capital R. if your racist in 2009 then jesus you need some help.
(2009.Jul.20 09:24 PM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks RJ.
Gay jokes and insults are right up there with racisim to me. I'm not gay but I have a couple of gay friends, that go to church. Was honestly curious about where it was said.
Just for the record I love being with gay women!
(2009.Jul.21 05:36 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jul.20 09:24 PM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks RJ.
Gay jokes and insults are right up there with racisim to me. I'm not gay but I have a couple of gay friends, that go to church. Was honestly curious about where it was said.
Just for the record I love being with gay women!
Which male doesn't i like lesbians don't like gays (male).
(2009.Jul.21 05:22 AM)ShadowKid Wrote: [ -> ]What sis you can't be serious Racism and being gay are no where near each other.
Gays bring the hate on themselves etc (most). Idon't care about gays at all but what i do not agree with is that they are allowed to have children that in my eyes is wrong.
Now racism i hate that with a Capital R. if your racist in 2009 then jesus you need some help.
Big Hug SK, but yeah thats my opinion. Hate is hate. It's wrong on any level. Doesn't the bible say something about that too? Would you rather have a gay couple raise an adopted child, or the crazy mofo's that are on the news now? My local news last night. Straight couple starved three adopted kids. All weighed less than 40 pounds. Tied to their beds to keep from eating.
(Gays bring the hate on themselves etc (most).) Thats exactly what racist say about other races.