Should mods be required to pass grammar 101/spelling 101 to qualify as a mod, and to know how to search the forums themselves?
Userid: 2831
Level: 42
Awakened Lands Fire Department
ok, ok, question has been answered and people have voiced opinions.
Thead's done
Userid: 2831
Level: 42
Awakened Lands Fire Department
so you made your point in other thread
lol, what are we cavemen? "made your point in other thread" Umm, "in the
other thread"?
Everyone makes mistakes. I know mods aren't supposed to, but it happens.

I be good in math, not a grammer major like some rofl

perhaps this is more about other mods? eagle was just doing his job in protecting another mod who has been very biased in what he does...
damn shame for a fellow Cardinals fan, so few out there.
yes, but Wraith's thread was closed, bc he got called out for not searching the forums before asking a question.
Anyone else in AL who asked a question like that, would have gotten blasted beyond belief, and the thread would have gone on for pages, especially since there was nothing really out of line in the thread. But bc he's a mod, a couple comments, and subject closed. If a mod can't find an old answer, sorry, but they are due some jokes.
Maybe Thor should replace Wraith? He can find the answers, and usually clarify himself better than most, even with English as his second language.
(2009.Jul.16 10:46 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe Thor should replace Wraith? He can find the answers, and usually clarify himself better than most, even with English as his second language.
I'd love to have him, but I was under the impression he didn't want the task. He's the sage.
I hate to say this but I agree with cheetah. If you are gonna be a mod for other ppl you really should know your way around the bloody forum.
(2009.Jul.16 10:59 PM)Howlsong Wrote: [ -> ]I hate to say this but I agree with cheetah. If you are gonna be a mod for other ppl you really should know your way around the bloody forum.
I'm pretty sure he's learned from this and will now either do a search or consult the mighty sage prior to posting again.
Forgot to add "BACON" to the poll btw.
(2009.Jul.16 11:01 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jul.16 10:59 PM)Howlsong Wrote: [ -> ]I hate to say this but I agree with cheetah. If you are gonna be a mod for other ppl you really should know your way around the bloody forum.
I'm pretty sure he's learned from this and will now either do a search or consult the mighty sage prior to posting again.
Forgot to add "BACON" to the poll btw.