I just woke up but isnt an attack on chiefeagle a bit out of order? Hes been one of the longest members here who doesnt get involved in drama and quietly does his job. who the fuck would want to be a moderator, no wonder thor isnt interested
Dingus for Mod!
(2009.Jul.17 12:18 AM)hardasgranite Wrote: [ -> ]I humbly ask everyones forgiveness for my post...........It was a first for me.....
A first what? Mistake!? Pfft. And yes, on a brighter note an attack on Chief I feel was pretty out of line. He does his job.
(2009.Jul.17 12:07 AM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]I just woke up but isnt an attack on chiefeagle a bit out of order? Hes been one of the longest members here who doesnt get involved in drama and quietly does his job. who the frag would want to be a moderator, no wonder thor isnt interested
I don't really see the reason to blast him for such a petty thing.
(2009.Jul.16 11:01 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jul.16 10:59 PM)Howlsong Wrote: [ -> ]I hate to say this but I agree with cheetah. If you are gonna be a mod for other ppl you really should know your way around the bloody forum.
I'm pretty sure he's learned from this and will now either do a search or consult the mighty sage prior to posting again.
Forgot to add "BACON" to the poll btw.
a mod should edit her post and add that option
also the votes should be recounted
BACON always wins
(2009.Jul.17 11:42 AM)Nightrain Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jul.17 12:07 AM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]I just woke up but isnt an attack on chiefeagle a bit out of order? Hes been one of the longest members here who doesnt get involved in drama and quietly does his job. who the frag would want to be a moderator, no wonder thor isnt interested
I don't really see the reason to blast him for such a petty thing.
Should have clarified this sooner I guess I have nothing against Chief... anyone can have a bad spelling day or week or yr...

I propose Deathwing for:
-The most hated player
-The best player
-for president
-the Manager of Hospital
-Player of the year
-the player with many "love" threads
-to be continued