(2009.Jul.10 07:36 AM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]its about time for me to start trying to level again 
now thats some sweet music, i wonder how many odds will get hit today

i love this day
i got like 2100 exp in 3 fights

I am happy because DW not hosp me a full week
dammit...i made a return to the forums for the first time in months hoping to find some loser complaining how this prize isn't fair or some bs like that.
i am extremely disappointed.
thanks zen!
Not in my eye..
There is a slaughter house out there. topping 150 player in the hospital today. Huge volume and slaughtering activities.
The Odd one are here to hunt you.
(2009.Jul.10 04:15 PM)ZeonOne Wrote: [ -> ]The Odd one are here to hunt you.
Damn straight!
Thank you Zen, this is the best comp reward ever!
You honorably defeat ***** in combat. You walk away and let your defeated opponent sulk in their own misery.
Experience Earned : 524
Hospitalization Time : 24
Thanks Zen.... unfortunately i just leveled up, so i have to go up 30,000 more exp to level again...
The skills and career are a great addition too..
WHOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You honorably defeat xxxxxx in combat. You walk away and let your defeated opponent sulk in their own misery.
Experience Earned : 1204
Hospitalization Time : 36
My math might be wrong, but I think I gained 62, 823 exp today. I still think this was the best comp and comp reward ever!
TY Zen!
Hell yeah! I think Im on track for hitting 45k+ by the end of the night. Prolly even 50.
This is an awesome reward. Let us not forget the skills and career bonus too!!
Thanks Zen!