(2009.Jul.09 09:33 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]I..Don't think the hosp code refers to the amount of time given to people.
it does (don't remember where Zen posted... Thor?)
(2009.Jul.09 09:36 PM)Weebay Wrote: [ -> ]Technically the hosp code is off I believe.

unfortunately... Zen has it up and running
I have no idea what you are referring to.
(2009.Jul.09 09:41 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]I have no idea what you are referring to.
Remember a while ago it would get increasingly harder to hosp someone if you kept hitting the same person multiple times within 24 hrs? That is what I have also thought to be the hosp code.
There two things you could possibly be talking about, Deathwing..
1) The hosp code where your defense goes kaput during a hospitalization.
2) The attack code where if you attack someone lots of times within a day, randomness gives them a chance to smack you.
I think you're talkin' about the second one, in which Zenith said she turned it off..But randomness in AL shall never go away.
(2009.Jul.09 09:43 PM)Weebay Wrote: [ -> ]Remember a while ago it would get increasingly harder to hosp someone if you kept hitting the same person multiple times within 24 hrs? That is what I have also thought to be the hosp code.
That hasn't been around for awhile.
I bet Zen's jealous of Err.
(2009.Jul.09 09:44 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jul.09 09:43 PM)Weebay Wrote: [ -> ]Remember a while ago it would get increasingly harder to hosp someone if you kept hitting the same person multiple times within 24 hrs? That is what I have also thought to be the hosp code.
That hasn't been around for awhile.
I know it hasn't been around for a while, so in my mind that means the hosp code is off.
(2009.Jul.09 09:44 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]There two things you could possibly be talking about, Deathwing..
1) The hosp code where your defense goes kaput during a hospitalization.
2) The attack code where if you attack someone lots of times within a day, randomness gives them a chance to smack you.
I think you're talkin' about the second one, in which Zenith said she turned it off..But randomness in AL shall never go away.
no man
back in the day people would get A LOT more hosp time when hosped. A LOT
300-400min hosps were a lot more common than today
and players are stronger and higher in level nowdays so you'd think the time would go up
that's what i'm talking about
I think that depends on randomness, Deathwing.
You honorably defeat ************* in combat. You walk away and let your defeated opponent sulk in their own misery.
Experience Earned : 746
Hospitalization Time : 54
It's great to be odd