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Full Version: Train Endurance In The Gym, Athletics Conversion Rate for Endurance
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There are loads of people that are managing just fine.

In fact you cant even get in the POI without having at least 23 endurance, and i know a ton of people who have around 20 endurance.
(2009.Jul.09 12:42 AM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Jul.09 12:19 AM)Duchbag69 Wrote: [ -> ]endurance is Zen's money maker....

you have to donate or buy credits for immediate results. otherwise you take the long road with athletics.

So donating is like steroids as opposed to the training idea?

I like it!
(2009.Jul.09 05:12 AM)TheMace Wrote: [ -> ]There are loads of people that are managing just fine.

In fact you cant even get in the POI without having at least 23 endurance, and i know a ton of people who have around 20 endurance.

hI mACE!
Pages: 1 2
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