I made the choice today to spend 5 bucks and donate and i was very surprised at what i received for that 5 bucks
500 credits that i need to spend for my donator status. and what does that status give me well it gives me more training points when i train and access to more stat information.. hmmm
and thats all... man i feel royaly ripped off. i am by no means a novice to online gaming in fact i have been staff on or played in over a dozen online games and in all of those you get certain things for your donation. not here in AL you get enough credits to gte your donator status aqnd access to worthless fluff.
most donator packs you get crystals/drops/whatever plus your donator days some cash and access to the stat fluff .. ie friends lists and what not. Not here, you get your days and access to the fluff
i have read a lot of the posts on the forum and the topic seems to be why are people leaving well.. this is one reason.
the donation at the lowest end is the worst i have seen in online gaming.
For game that has very little to do, no graphics whatsoever it is a very dull and boring game.
I have spent over 2 months here and im not going to spend much more here.... i never cashed in my credits as i felt it was a royal ripoff and i gave them away.
if you want to keep players in the future may i suggest you offer them more than what you currently have. no graphics makes this game dull and unappealing
its all about trianing and little else.. combat is dull and hard to look at.
Sad to say two months down the tubes oh well im but one voice out of many rip on me for voicing my opinion or agree what else can i do
nothing im saying you all dont already know
(2009.Jul.06 06:43 PM)rle1968 Wrote: [ -> ]For game that has very little to do, no graphics whatsoever it is a very dull and boring game.
its a TEXT based game...
Thanks for your 5 bucks scrub. Now go away.
Games with no graphics are perfect for the people that work in certain offices.
(2009.Jul.06 06:51 PM)superdude Wrote: [ -> ]Now go away.
I knew i was forgetting something after my last comment...
Goodbye, obviously your intelligence is not high enough to understand what this game is about. You say that your donation got you useless fluff, well what your asking for is useless fluff. Pictures dont help the game at all they dont add anything to the game play. What they do is slow down the servers and make tick hunting a pain. The pages get bigger and more difficult to navigate. Then you get the issues with playing from a cell phone, the load times are already bad enough on them and it would just make it worse. So you can take your idea's and shove them up your ass where they belong. Thank you and have a nice day

typical responses form the uneducated masses
play by cell phone .. what a joke and if the game is hosted properly you dont have server issues from having grpahics.. idiot
and news flash for you einstein there are lots of text based games that have graphics and the players dont leave cus they arent bored you moron
have you stat fluff it aint worth spit. get over yourselves already . this is why people leave
(2009.Jul.06 06:55 PM)Weebay Wrote: [ -> ]Games with no graphics are perfect for the people that work in certain offices.
and for those that dont steal from our bosses by playing on company time that play at home? we have to suffer for you thieves at work ?
1st this is what makes this game special. 90% of the other text based rpg games are made for the sole purpose of making profit. the admins don't give a cent on the community and people can buy first place in a matter of minutes. yes that is possible here to but with a HUGE investment(.8million $ as Zeon showed us a lil while ago)
2nd if you can't read that's your problem. it is written clearly as to what you can do with the credits. Zen and Err didn't promise anything flashy to get in exchange of the donations and than give drek.
Quote:Awakened Lands Donations
If you become a donator to Awakened Lands, each time you donate you will receive game credits you can use to purchase various in-game perks, such as Donation Status days, stat increases, and unique items only available with credits. Before selecting a donator pack to use, check out the available options in the Donator House.
Please note, eCheck payments are credited when Paypal clears the eCheck for payment. This could mean anywhere from 3 to 10 business days before our system credits your account, as Paypal takes time to clear eChecks. Credit card and Instant Cash donations are immediately credited. We will not be accepting Mobile Payments at this time due to the fees involved. All donations are non-refundable once they are credited to your account.
By using credits to purchase Donator days, you get many benefits unavailable to non-donators. Players who purchase donator days at the Donator House get the following benefits.
3rd what people do with their time it's their problem... some of the players here aren't just lazy moochers and have to work for a living. others go to school. if one day i feel like playing AL during my psychology class that's my problem, not yours.
If its any consolation dude we're all more disappointed in you... maybe if u had used the brains god gave you you would have seen what the benefits of donator status give you instead of coming onto the forum to whine about how cheap you are.
(2009.Jul.06 06:43 PM)rle1968 Wrote: [ -> ]I made the choice today to spend 5 bucks and donate and i was very surprised at what i received for that 5 bucks
500 credits that i need to spend for my donator status. and what does that status give me well it gives me more training points when i train and access to more stat information.. hmmm
and thats all... man i feel royaly ripped off. i am by no means a novice to online gaming in fact i have been staff on or played in over a dozen online games and in all of those you get certain things for your donation. not here in AL you get enough credits to gte your donator status aqnd access to worthless fluff.
most donator packs you get crystals/drops/whatever plus your donator days some cash and access to the stat fluff .. ie friends lists and what not. Not here, you get your days and access to the fluff
i have read a lot of the posts on the forum and the topic seems to be why are people leaving well.. this is one reason.
the donation at the lowest end is the worst i have seen in online gaming.
For game that has very little to do, no graphics whatsoever it is a very dull and boring game.
I have spent over 2 months here and im not going to spend much more here.... i never cashed in my credits as i felt it was a royal ripoff and i gave them away.
if you want to keep players in the future may i suggest you offer them more than what you currently have. no graphics makes this game dull and unappealing
its all about trianing and little else.. combat is dull and hard to look at.
Sad to say two months down the tubes oh well im but one voice out of many rip on me for voicing my opinion or agree what else can i do
nothing im saying you all dont already know
I can put money down that most of the games you've played/supported/managed sucked a bunch of balls compared to AL. A very short lived dream of pressing past others.
(2009.Jul.06 07:14 PM)rle1968 Wrote: [ -> ]and news flash for you einstein there are lots of text based games that have graphics and the players dont leave cus they arent bored you moron
Yeah. They leave because the game gets retarded, because there's the lower powers and the higher powers with no inbetween. You're either able to beat the person or not. No stalemate, possible 1 hit kills all the time.
Useless fluff. Well, here's what I think; You're a retard lookin' for a quick fix, rather than a long-lasting achievement past other players. Commitment isn't your thing.