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Full Version: Odd/Even Results are in
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Bacon! Bandit
Your a monster Scream
What's it like to be a filthy whore, Dingus?
I thought dork was the word for mean wiener? Neutral


bawhahahaha that was down right cruel!
Total Attacks (Non-stalemates)
Evens : 1379
Odds : 1305

Odds : 1361
Evens : 1323

Total Levels Defeated
Odds : 42,710
Evens : 38,217

Victory for the Odds. Congratulations everyone who participated. I'm pleasantly surprised that things were so close. Smile
That's pretty awesome.
nice... hand it to the odds, good game, won by 4k gj.
congratulation to the winners! What a close match.
Wow that was close! To the victor goes the spoils!
Oh yes. Fun times. Bragging to Mosq about it. XD
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