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Full Version: Odd/Even Results are in
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Congrats !! Close and a fun time for sure !!Razz
Good job odds!

Hold this contest again when its not a freaking holiday for at least 60% of AL.
Team odd FTW!

That was an awesome comp. Nice to have something totally different. Good job admins and all those who ventured into the battleground
i demand a recount! good job odds, next time we're bringing the heat though....Smirk
I'd suggest inviting Spacebird to join the training day, seeing as he had about 1/6 of the total attacks for the even team.
Any chance of a point breakdown per player?
at the beginning of the contest i assumed you could not heal, but what you meant was hp doesnt biggie..i lost alot of times i wouldnt have...but not healing at all and a limit on how many times you could enter might even be more fun...then more strategy is involved

but yeah it was pretty cool
Excuses Excuses........LOSER!


Yeah, what do we get on the 10th? A special gym day just for us?! Why a Friday though! Some people have drinking/smoking to be done!

well done odds, especially Asgardthor and Bishop who made it as difficult as possible for me, but not Dingus, who made it surprisingly easy Biggrin
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