Let's annihilate them!
Let's use Zen as a baith
![[Image: starwars.jpg]](http://www.baltimorecp.org/newsletter/images/august06/starwars.jpg)
Something stinks. Close your mouth, Preacher.
(2009.Jul.03 10:48 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Something stinks. Close your mouth, Preacher.
Even with my mouth shut, you smell so bad I can taste it.
I think that's the bad taste of defeat in your mouth, Preacher.
(2009.Jul.03 10:54 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]I think that's the bad taste of defeat in your mouth, Preacher.
Most likely, I used your favorite fork earlier.
I was wondering where that thing went..Filthy thief.
2 minutes till i give it back.
In your eye.

Stomp on it afterward, please. Don't make it meet your brown eye.
Preacher added to your enemy list