I am in same team with Dingus

that's uncool
'jo you get the dipstick award for the day...lol'
Yay! I get an award!
Wha.....no wait! Is that a good thing?

You honorably defeat Behemoth in combat. You walk away and let your defeated opponent sulk in their own misery.
Experience Earned : 106
Hospitalization Time : 39
You've won the battle and knocked them out of the district!
Good one.

I almost got you, though.
Might be the last time ever I succeed at these.
(2009.Jul.04 09:17 AM)Batman Wrote: [ -> ]I am in same team with Dingus
that's uncool
if i find out we lost cause you were stupid enough to keep going in the battle district to help bird while i was away i'll hosp you for a week

haha i just got a idea, paying opposite id low lvls to go inside the BG so you can attack them muhaha
!! $$$ !!