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Full Version: Odds vs Evens Battleground Contest
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(2009.Jul.04 08:07 PM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Jul.04 07:08 PM)pheonixfyre Wrote: [ -> ]it would be cool for next time to have everyon start out in the battleground, inactive and active alike...see how long it takes one side to dominate the district...

odds no doubt. We been owning that junk all day!


From what I saw at noon today when I had to leave for work - evens had the field. I don't call that all day - I call it half the day.
odds fucking rule, evens can suck goat testicle
Just saying an idea for next time: base it on how long the players remain in the battleground, rather than how many hosps there are. That way, it becomes more about organization amongst the two sides.
(2009.Jul.04 09:55 PM)zingersmack Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Jul.04 08:07 PM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Jul.04 07:08 PM)pheonixfyre Wrote: [ -> ]it would be cool for next time to have everyon start out in the battleground, inactive and active alike...see how long it takes one side to dominate the district...

odds no doubt. We been owning that junk all day!


From what I saw at noon today when I had to leave for work - evens had the field. I don't call that all day - I call it half the day.

More like for 2 hours, at best
The best 2 hours of Spacebird's life.
LOL. That and "bath" time...
Pun is still in there from the evens, and 10 from the odds. Shall I call it a night or have them fight for king of the hill?
Uh..Call it a night? Hugegrin
whatever, when should we expect some numbers to be released?
100 bonus points for every person left in the realm after midnight would be nice.
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