Make it so players who are "leveling" get a dramatic decrease from hitting the same player over and over again for exp. Say after 5 attacks on the same player within 24 hours.
Make it so players over ten levels above an opponent gain 0 exp from attacking.
The last one would suck ass for a lot of people..
The first one ain't bad, even if it would take them forever and a day to level up, then.
Exactly. It would slow people down from racing to a level where they have no opponents. It would also spread out the higher levels amongst different gangs making the game less lopsided.
That's a pretty good idea Dingus. What would a dramatic decrease be though?
(2009.Jun.30 11:17 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]That's a pretty good idea Dingus.
Dont make his ego any bigger.

can we do this sometime in august?
this is a great wouldn't really have to be a dramatic decrease tho...say something like 5% less xp per hit after 5 in the same 24 hr span...
or even the same 5% less xp for every level a player is above the person they are attacking...that would really make people look twice at who they are hitting, as well as how often...
(2009.Jun.30 11:29 PM)LikeWhoa Wrote: [ -> ]can we do this sometime in august?
What after you
Z, I think a 50 percent decrease after 5 attacks would spread out the players targets. This not only would keep people from "milking" just a few players it would also stimulate the community by opening dialect between old players and new alike.
50% seems huge to me but 5-10% per hit starting at the 6th hit seems rational.
We're excluding NPC from this right?
NPC and Inactives excluded, I agree.
And, could be base on your lvl in % / 2.
Lvl 22 (22% / 2 = 11%)
Lvl 50 (50% / 2 = 25%)
And so on.