(2009.Jul.21 09:41 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]It only benefits high level weak players
Power levelers. Which happens to have some heavy donators on that list...just saying.
(2009.Jul.21 09:41 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]The new system punishes anyone that is strong for there level. It only benefits high level weak players
Not true...my inactives give me 150-200 xp...

Must train my stats and stop the leveling
(2009.Jul.21 08:23 AM)torxim Wrote: [ -> ]but it also means if you get really lucky in a fight where someone usually gives you a good fight you get penalized for it and get half exp..
just had a battle with someone who usually takes out 75% of my health, I lucked out with a few crits and didn't take a single hit, so i get half exp.
In the long run it should average out to plenty of extra EXP if you usually get bonus exp and sometimes get half....Why should you be able to get bonus exp EVERY SINGLE TIME? Real life is more random why shouldn't the game be? You are still averaging out extra exp so why complain about the few where you lose half?
it also punishes people who have very high dex (don't get hit) builds.
lower dex player with high resistance could unequip helmet and/or armor to increase what little damage they take in order to get some decent exp.
Your total damage that you are hit with has to be around 90% to get the exp bonus.
But the actual damage you take might be much less than that after resistance has been taken off.
I have gotten bonus exp and only actually lost around half my health.
WTF? youre an idiot Dingo!
(2009.Jul.03 09:46 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jul.02 08:53 PM)Thor Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jul.01 10:41 AM)Gornikel Wrote: [ -> ]NPC and Inactives excluded, I agree.
And, could be base on your lvl in % / 2.
Lvl 22 (22% / 2 = 11%)
Lvl 50 (50% / 2 = 25%)
And so on.
We're already getting only 58-70% of the max xp for any1 not equal strength, if you make us lose another 25%, all it will do is we'll have a bunch of players stuck at level 50-52 in a few months...
Its intention is to slow the game down so that would be a desired result. It would add a strategic level to the game. Leveling now is people racing to high levels then starting to train. This IMO is ruining the game. You would have to strategically level in more tune to your stats.
this last statement upset me a little bit, actually. people who are levelling like mad are ruining the game?? uhh.. no?
a LOT of people out there - and i mean a LOT - go around saying "levels higher than stats, THATS the way." And then, another group of people, much smaller in number, said "level first, THEN train." and some are really taking that to heart. guess what, training AFTER u have achieved a higher level is better, and now that more people are finding this out, you're upset because the flow of the game is CHANGING.
guess what, thats how it is. its the "secret." levels are important. just because you dont want everyone to escape you in levels and stats doesnt mean its ruining the game or wrong. i'm sure you disagree with the levelling idea on some level, but dont make strong statements like that when you really have no idea what you're talking about
if you kill the XP flow like you suggest, then credit refreshes become less worthwhile (u get less XP anyway, EFF it.), more people are sitting around training, and then the entire game becomes an around-the-clock train fest to attack others for... no reason b/c u get no exp, muggings are worthless 90% of the time, and .. well.. lets just all put you in the hospital cuz theres no XP in it