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Full Version: Melee weapons
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Pages: 1 2
Which is better....?

Dis Shogunate
Ionized Nodachi
Ionized Nodachi if you have the stats for it
no competition
I have heard otherwise but I will give it a try............
Think that might depend on the player, what works for one player might not work for another. Best to experiment Razz
cant use the ion nodachi but wraith lemme know how it works out bro. good thread.
(2009.Jun.26 10:35 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]Think that might depend on the player, what works for one player might not work for another. Best to experiment Razz
not really
it's simple math
the diss shog is a lvl 55 weapon
the nodachi is lvl 60. i mean just ask SG and Zeon
both have used the diss shog and the nodachi and they can say for sure
Geez I need to make a weapon called "North Korea" thanks to this poll.
ill take 2 please
[Image: de305d50d52e579ca73c389.gif]
(2009.Jun.28 09:50 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]Geez I need to make a weapon called "North Korea" thanks to this poll.

a nuke Wink
(2009.Jun.28 09:57 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ][Image: de305d50d52e579ca73c389.gif]

so much color it fu*kin hurts
Pages: 1 2
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